People have been asking if I am ready, how I feel, am I excited? I will tell you. There is a euphoria associated with being ready to run and confident you can tear it up (even when tearing it up is 80th place!) It comes to me a few days before an event while on a run, in the car, while packing up and it is awesome. Hills have small welcome signs and you are a VIP. Your butt is just like Kara Goucher and you look amazing in bun huggers. Your hair is blond with gorgeous highlights. Your lashes are so long they touch your sunglasses. The Talking Heads are live in concert jamming with Rhianna and the Black Eyed Peas on your iPod. You are 10 pounds lighter. You run 8 minute miles in 6. You are tan, have perfect teeth and there is a small puff of smoke that trails behind you with each step because you are on fire.
(Photo without citation borrowed from a strange blog also worshiping Kara Goucher)
I miss you already. Here is a platypus: http://snuzzy.com/handfull-of-platypus/. I would jam with Kara and the Talking Heads any day of the week!